Santa Claus rides down S. Washington Street waving to children and adults alike during the Downtown Associates of North Attleborough’s annual Santa Parade on Sunday, Nov. 26. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
Santa Claus rides down S. Washington Street waving to children and adults alike during the Downtown Associates of North Attleborough’s annual Santa Parade on Sunday, Nov. 26. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
The Starline School of Dance performs a rendition of “Rah Rah Rudolph” at the Santa Parade on Nov. 26. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
The Tri Alpha Gymnastics school walks down the street and performs flips. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
A Department of Public Works front-loader carries a Christmas tree and presents en route to the DANA Santa Parade on Sunday, Nov. 26. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
Fire Chief Chris Coleman (left) marches with the Rhode Island Pipers and Drummers band. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
Kevin and Betty Porier, the Grand Marshals of the DANA Santa Parade, wave to people lined up on S. Washington Street. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
A gingerbread man walks by a Barbie-themed float during the Santa Parade. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer dances to music at Sunday’s holiday-themed parade organized by the Downtown Associates of North Attleborough. Staff Photo/Adam Bass
The Grinch sneers at onlookers waving hello. Staff Photo/Adam Bass