Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeCharityGlow Dodgeball Tournament to benefit Unified Sports and Special Olympics

Glow Dodgeball Tournament to benefit Unified Sports and Special Olympics

On Saturday, March 12, starting at 10 a.m. at the North Attleborough High School gymnasium, the

Massachusetts Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympic (LETR) s will be hosting a Glow Dodgeball Tournament to support the North Attleborough High School Unified Sports Program and Massachusetts Special Olympics.

Teams of five with the option of up to two alternates will compete in one of two divisions, the School

Division 13-18+ and the Open Division 18+. The winners of each division will earn a trophy and bragging rights, and will go head to head in a Top Dog competition to close out the event for ultimate bragging rights.

Proceeds from this event will go directly to the NAHS Unified Sports Program to purchase new “Play Unified” uniforms for the upcoming Spring Track season. Any additional funds raised will go to Special Olympics of Massachusetts to support local Special Olympic athletes in their year round training and athletic events.

This event is open to students 13+ and adults. There will two co-ed divisions: the School Division which consists of students 13-18+, and the Open Division for everyone over 18 years of age. There is a pre-registration fee of $30 per team members and a fee of $35 per team member on Day of Registration.

Be part of the fun by pre registering on-line through the LETR for Special Olympics of Massachusetts website at Teams that preregister by Feb. 25 will

receive a Glow Dodgeball event t-shirt. Day of registration will start at 9 a.m. in the main lobby of North Attleborough High School. Event shirts cannot be guaranteed for day of registration. Spectators are welcome to help cheer of the teams. Adult spectators are $8 and Students/Seniors are $5. Know any students, coworkers, gyms, business, or law enforcement/fire departments that like a challenge? Put a team in today and prove that you know the five rules of dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!

Arrive early for the pre-party which will feature music, a glow body painting station, a photo booth and more. The DJ will be doing giveaways including glow gear throughout the day. Teams and spectators are encouraged to dress up in their best costumes or Glow attire and awards will be given out to the Best Costume, Best Themed Team, Most Spirited Team, etc. The NAHS will be hosting a cash concession stand, there will be a Special Olympics 50/50 raffle, and NAPD Special Olympics “Play Unified” patches will be available for purchase.

For more information or if you are interested in being an Event Sponsor please email NAPD Ofc. Kristine Crosman at


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