Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeCharityNominations open for North Attleboro/Plainville Rotary Service Awards

Nominations open for North Attleboro/Plainville Rotary Service Awards

For the 36th consecutive year, local citizens and employees will be publicly recognized for their contributions to the community by the North Attleboro and Plainville Rotary Club. The honorees will be recognized during the Rotary Club’s 2022 Distinguished Service Awards Banquet, which will take place on Monday, March 21, at 6 p.m. at Heather Hill Country Club in Plainville.

In keeping with its club motto, “Service Above Self,” the Rotary Club seeks five worthy individuals each year by asking members of the community to nominate citizens for recognition. Individuals are nominated for having demonstrated the “Service Above Self” ideal through service to the community. The nomination categories for each individual are as follows.


This person must have served the community in a manner above and beyond that expected of all citizens. The individual does not have to reside in North Attleboro or Plainville.


This individual must be under 21 years of age and live in North Attleboro or Plainville.


The recipient of this award must currently serve North Attleboro or Plainville as a paid employee but does not have to reside in either town.


This person must be a current professional educator in the North Attleboro or Plainville school systems. He or she does not have to live in either town.


This individual must be 65 years of age or older and reside in North Attleboro or Plainville.

Nomination forms can be found at www.northattleboroplainvillerotary.org and must be completed and returned by Feb. 11, to the following address: Dr. John W. Barone, 107 North Washington St., North Attleboro, MA 02760, Attn: DSA. Winners will be notified in advance of the awards banquet, which the general public is invited to attend by reservation.

As part of this program, a booklet is prepared for distribution at the banquet. To help raise funds for charities such as “Lenore’s Pantry,” Scholarships, and the Hockomock Area YMCA, as well as sponsoring the North Attleboro High School Senior Class Football Banquet, the Town Pool and the Fishing Derby, advertising space is sold in this booklet.

The ad choices are as follows: The “exclusive” outside back cover ($300), the inside front or back cover ($200), full page ($100), half page ($50), quarter page ($35) and a double line ($10). Color ads are available for an additional $25 per ad. Cover ads are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

To place an ad or congratulatory message in this year’s booklet, call Dr. John W. Barone at 508-699-2481, email him at JWBD83@GMAIL.COM or fax to 508-699-0717. Ads must be received by March 1. Please make checks payable to “Rotary Club of North Attleborough Plainville Charitable Foundation, Inc.” and submit them to the following address: Dr. John W. Barone, 107 North Washington St., North Attleboro, MA, 02760, Attention: DSA.

The North Attleboro/Plainville Rotary Club is registered with the IRS as a 501(c) (3) charity and all donations to the Club are tax deductible. The Rotary Club of North Attleboro Plainville Charitable Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) charitable foundation TID# 46-5533772.


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