Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeState rep candidates turn in required signatures

State rep candidates turn in required signatures

By Max

Three North Attleborough residents have turned in the needed signatures to secure their spots on the Primary Ballot for State Representative.

The candidates are vying for the 14th Bristol District seat, currently held by Betty Poirier. In late March, Poirier announced she would not run for re-election after 22 years. The district includes all of North Attleborough, Precincts 1 and 5 in Mansfield, and Ward 3B in Attleboro. The deadline for turning in the signatures for the seat was April 28, with 150 required. A ruling of the Mass Supreme Judicial Court extended the deadline to May 5 and reduced the number of signatures to 75.

Town Councilor Adam Scanlon notified the North Star Reporter on Thursday that he was the first candidate to officially be on the ballot. In a statement, he wrote that he was grateful to his family for being there for him. In addition to the council, he has served on the School Committee and was a member of the Representative Town Meeting since turning 18. Scanlon received 153 certified signatures.

I continue to be inspired by the amount of generosity and leadership that you all provide every single day, you are my heroes,” wrote Scanlon, running as a Democrat. “I am thrilled to be moving forward and getting a chance to hear more about your concerns. Thank you.”

Patrick Reynolds—a former member of the Board of Selectmen and Bristol County Advisory Board—is also running for the Democratic nomination. In a statement sent on Thursday, Reynolds said his team collected four times the required signatures to be on the ballot. He said that he appreciates the show of support and looks forward to continuing this momentum through his campaign.

As I reach out to people across the district, I hear a lot of concern about the future. The Coronavirus pandemic

affects everyone and has created a lot of uncertainty,” he wrote. “I know that with the right leadership we can

rebuild our community stronger than ever.”

Town Councilor Michael Lennox, who formerly served on the Board of Selectmen and as a Town Meeting represenative, is running as a Republican and also turned in his signatures, 299 in total, with still more being returned. In a post to his Facebook page, he thanked those who offered to sign and mailed out requests to help.

I am so appreciative to all of your responses and tremendous heartfelt wishes in those responses,” he wrote.

Porier joined Lennox when he turned in his signatures. He said he is appreciative of her support and guidance through the process.

Those are some tremendous shoes to fill, and I only hope to be able to follow in her footsteps in representing this wonderful area of the Commonwealth,” he wrote.


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