Greater Attleboro Stronger Together, which helps non-profits that are assisting Attleboro-area residents impacted by COVID-19, has a fundraiser planned for this weekend.
Hosted by Dave Heaney, the event will be a virtual trivia night and will take place on Saturday, April 25 8:30-10 p.m. Since Heaney launched these virtual trivia nights, more than $14,000 has been raised.
The games are played over Zoom and Those who participate are asked to take whatever they spend going out on Saturday and donate to the fundraiser.
To play this Saturday:
Step 1—On a device with a screen, microphone, and (if desired) webcam go to
Step 2—On another device (most people have been using phones), go to This is where the questions are answered
Step 3—Donations can be made to –every contribution helps.
The Stronger Together Fund was established by local community leaders to help families and individuals who have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the organization’s web site.
Throughout the community, non-profit organizations are providing critical, emergency support to neighbors through the COVID-19 crisis. This includes expanded food and supply distribution, emergency cash assistance, free child care and other resources for essential workers. The Stronger Together Fund aims to provide much needed resources to these non-profit organizations on the front lines and to ensure that they are able to continue their missions after the crisis has subsided.