By Max
Green Leaf Health’s operating costs may wind up being much higher than originally thought.
Attorney Stephen Clapp—representing RB Rogers, Inc., which owns the property at 540 Kelley Blvd.—said his client is asking the proposed marijuana store to pay an estimated $25,000 for a police detail between 4 and 7 p.m. during the first three months of operations.
Clapp said there is concern about a traffic backup onto his client’s lots or into the street. He added that traffic studies may not accurately reflect vehicle traffic as they were done in October 2020.
“It doesn’t take into account that COVID has resulted in reduced driving,” he said at the Planning Board meeting on Feb. 3. “In October 2020, the area was a ghost town.”
The Planning Board recently approved the site plan and granted a special permit for Green Leaf Health, but this was appealed by RB Rogers, Inc. in Bristol Superior Court. The appeal argued that a proper level of review for the site plan was needed and the court remanded the case back to the board.
Clapp presented the board with a petition to change one of the conditions to require the police detail. After three months has passed, the board could bring up the matter for review. The current condition gives the Planning Board the authority to ask for a detail if traffic conditions warrant it.
“With that change my client would be satisfied that he would be protected,” said Clapp.
Walter Sullivan, representing the company, was opposed to this request, and said that since Green Leaf’s approval process began, the number of cannabis stores in Massachusetts has increased from 92 to more than 200.
Shaun Kelley of Vanasse & Associates said that vehicle trips have increased from 14,000 before the pandemic to 19,000 daily. It’s estimated that the business will create approximately 100 trips during the weekdays and 160 on weekends.
“There’s no notable safety concern,” said Kelly. “it shows no concerns of queuing (vehicles). We’re confident that the data is what it is.”
Sullivan said he would consider to a month-to-month arrangement, though Clapp said he did not have the authority to amend the proposal without speaking to his client. The hearing was continued to Feb. 17.
Green Leaf Health is proposing a 1,200 square-foot recreational cannabis dispensary at 91 George Leven Drive. It’s one of three such businesses that the town has allowed to open. Native Sun, located at the site of the former Case Materials on Route 1, looks to be nearing completion and will open soon, according to the company’s web site. Pure Roots is slated to open a site at 80 E. Washington St.
Green Leaf has signed a Host Community Agreement that calls for a Community Impact fee to mitigate the effects of the new business on roads, police and fire departments, inspection services, and others. The company must also pay between $25,000 and $50,000 annually to a charity determined by the town.