Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeCommunityAround Town-Flu shots, county fair, and real estate taxes

Around Town-Flu shots, county fair, and real estate taxes

Flu shots available through the Board of Health

The North Attleborough Board of Health has free flu shots available for any Massachusetts resident. Shots can be given Thursdays, 3 – 5:45 p.m., by appointment only. Other days and times may be available call 508-699-014or email amfleming@nattleboro.com for an appointment.

For adults and children 6 months and vaccinated, all vaccine is Thimerosol- free (No FluMist). Some Hi-Dose for those 65 years and older is available. Flu forms are available online at www.nattleboro.com under Board of Health; Flu Clinic.

Please have insurance card(s) with you. There is no billing if no insurance or no coverage. No co-pays ever. Call Board of Health office to confirm time at 508-699-0104.

United Methodist Annual Country Fair

Plainville United Methodist Church, 16 East Bacon St. (near Route 106 & 1A) invites the public to the Annual Country Fair (100 years and counting) on Friday, Nov. 5, Noon–7 p.m. The event will feature antiques, collectibles, jewelry, a bake table, fudge, jellies, chili, the Famous Silent Auction, handmade gifts, books, and more. Come start the holiday shopping at United Methodist. There will also be a snack bar featuring clam cakes and chowder. For more information, visit www.PlainvilleUMC.net or call 508-695-9587.

Personal property and real estate taxes due

A reminder that the second quarter Personal Property and Real Estate Taxes are due Nov. 1. Please pay on or before Monday, Nov. 1 to avoid an interest penalty. ay in person, by mail, or on-line at www.nattleboro.com/home/pages/online-payments.

Friends Of North Attleborough Senior Center yard sale

The Friends of North Attleboro Senior Center are sponsoring a yard sale Saturday, Oct. 30, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Halloween costumes are optional.

Renters are needed for the sale. There will be 10’ x 10’ spaces available for sale. Please bring tables and chairs. Members of the Friends group cost $20, general public $25. Checks should be made out to the Friends of North Attleboro Senior Center and either dropped off or mailed to the center at 204 Elm St., North Attleboro, MA 02760. Please write Yard Sale in the memo section.

Also available will be a bake table with items for sale and silent auction items to bid on. All proceeds

will go to the Senior Center. Please contact the center at 508-699-0131 or Sandy at 508-695-8603 with any questions or further details.


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