Council approves firm for Town Manager search
Community Paradigm Associates will be the one to present the finalists for the forthcoming Town Manager search.
By a unanimous vote, the council approved a motion to authorize the transfer of $8,400 to cover the costs incuded in the firm’s proposal. This is subject to a successful contract negotiation between the town and the Plymouth-based company.
“We had five proposals come in and they were great,” said Council President Keith Lapointe at the Aug. 26 meeting.
Along with Community Paradigm, Municipal Resource Inc., Groux White Consulting, GovHR, and the Collins Center also submitted proposals for the contract. Each included experience, the time it would take to complete the submission process, how much they would charge, and what salary range they would offer for Town Manager position.
Community Paradigm plans to offer $165,000-$185,000, which came in about the middle compared to the other firms.
Lapointe said that Community Paradigm’s experience in New England, focus on community involvement, and recent work made it the top choice. He also cited the firm’s methods of utilizing its network and recruiting passive candidates.
Following the vote to authorize the expenditure, a vote on the contract will be taken at the Sept. 11 meeting, and a meeting with the firm is expected to be held on Sept. 16.