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HomePolice & FireNorth Attleborough Police Logs, Oct. 31-Nov. 6

North Attleborough Police Logs, Oct. 31-Nov. 6

The following is an excerpt from the North Attleborough Police Logs of Oct. 31- Nov. 6. The complete log is available at the police station.

Thursday, Oct. 31

6:30 a.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on George Leven Drive.

8:18 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on Lindsey Street and Bungay Road.

8:52 a.m. Police assisted a disabled motor vehicle on Bungay Road.

8:55 a.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on North Washington Street.

12:42 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on South Washington Street.

1:23 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on South Washington Street.

1:54 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on South Washington Street.

5:04 p.m. Fraud was reported on South Washington Street.

10:00 p.m. Police secured and checked a suspicious motor vehicle on Wild Acres Road.

10:32 p.m. Police assisted in addressing fireworks on Ruest Road.


Friday, Nov. 1

2:40 a.m. Police spoke to the owner of an abandoned motor vehicle on RF Toner Boulevard.

5:14 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on Draper Avenue & Norton Road.

6:48 a.m. A suspicious motor vehicle was reported on Peck Street.

9:46 a.m. Larceny was reported on Larsen Way.

10:05 a.m. Suspicious activity was reported on Paine Road.

2:16 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

4:34 p.m. Police assisted the Fire Department on South Washington Street.

5:14 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on South Washington Street.

6:49 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

9:36 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on South Washington Street.

9:42 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on South Washington Street.

9:55 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on East Street.

10:30 p.m. Police spoke to an erratic operator on North Washington Street.

10:38 p.m. A suspicious motor vehicle was reported on South Washington Street.


Saturday, Nov. 2

1:54 a.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on South Washington Street.

1:56 a.m. A suspicious motor vehicle was reported on North Washington Street.

10:43 a.m. Police assisted in providing aid to the public on Kelley Boulevard.

11:48 a.m. Found property was reported on Rt. 1 at Chestnut St.

1:00 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on East Washington Street.

4:26 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

7:36 p.m. Police removed a hazard on East Washington Street.

7:53 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

10:22 p.m. Police secured and checked suspicious activity was reported on High Street.

10:25 p.m. Police assisted in providing aid to the public on South Washington Street.

10:48 p.m. Police spoke to people using fireworks on Old Post Road.


Sunday, Nov. 3

9:01 a.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on South Washington Street,

12:15 p.m. Police assisted in providing an escort on South Washington Street.

12:37 p.m. An animal bite was reported on Broad Street.

12:40 p.m. Illegal dumping was reported on Homeward Lane.

1:52 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on John Dietsch Boulevard.

2:49 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on South Washington Street.

3:30 p.m. A suspicious person was reported on South Washington Street.

5:40 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on South Washington Street.

6:11 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on Stanson Drive.

8:46 p.m. Suspicious activity was reported on Stanley Street.


Monday, Nov. 4

2:48 a.m. Suspicious activity was reported on South Washington Street.

6:55 a.m. Larceny was reported on East Washington Street.

6:58 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on East Street,

7:15 a.m. An animal complaint was reported on Anawan Road.

7:51 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with injury was reported on East Washington Street.

8:58 a.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

9:13 a.m. Larceny was reported on East Washington Street.

3:12 p.m. Police assisted a disabled motor vehicle on Route 1 and Elm Street.

5:12 p.m. Fraud was reported on Cardinal Circle.

6:04 p.m. Police assisted another police department on Regent Street.

6:37 p.m. Police spoke to the owner of a suspicious motor vehicle on Mary Kennedy Drive.

8:34 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on High Street.

10:04 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on South Washington Street.


Tuesday, Nov. 5

5:38 a.m. An animal complaint was reported on Bungay Road.

8:26 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with injury was reported on Landry Avenue.

9:59 a.m. Illegal dumping was reported on North Washington Street.

10:04 a.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury on South Washington Street.

11:45 a.m. Larceny was reported on South Washington Street.

12:54 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on Route 95 SB off-ramp.

1:28 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on Bluejay Drive.

1:52 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

2:39 p.m. Larceny was reported on South Washington Street.

2:51 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on Route 295 ramp.

​​6:38 p.m. A disturbance was reported on Harris Drive.

8:38 p.m. Police secured and checked suspicious activity on Draper Avenue.

11:05 p.m. Suspicious activity was reported on East Washington Street.

11:12 p.m. Larceny was reported on South Washington Street.


Wednesday, Nov. 6

1:22 a.m. Police secured and checked a suspicious motor vehicle on South Washington Street.

2:01 a.m. Police secured and checked suspicious activity on Cushman Road.

7:15 a.m. Suspicious activity was reported on South Washington Street.

7:36 a.m. Larceny was reported on South Washington Street.

11:23 a.m. Malicious damage was reported on East Washington Street.

12:27 p.m. Police secured and checked an alarm on Chickadee Road.

12:52 p.m. Assault and battery was reported on High Street.

1:14 p.m. Shoplifting was reported on South Washington Street.

2:31 p.m. A hit and run accident was reported on East Washington Street.

3:50 p.m. Police secured and checked vandalism on East Washington Street.

4:34 p.m. Suspicious activity was reported on Towne Street.

5:36 p.m. Suspicious activity was reported on Willow Street.

​​7:10 p.m. Simple assault was reported on East Washington Street.

7:15 p.m. A motor vehicle accident with no injury was reported on Wilson Whitty Way.

8:44 p.m. Police kept the peace on Bulfinch Street.



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