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HomeCommunityRichards Memorial Library news and events

Richards Memorial Library news and events

The Richards Memorial Library is located at 118 North Washington St. For more information, visit or call 508-699-0122.

Regular Hours

Monday thru Thursday—9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Friday and Saturday—9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.



Dec. 10-23

December Take and Make Crafts

Children will have several options for December-themed Take and Make Crafts. Crafts include a sticker scene for toddlers and preschoolers, ornaments, and foamy gingerbread men and angels. While supplies last. Take and Makes will be held on Dec. 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, and 23, from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.

Jan. 12

Virtual Book Discussion: Inside the O’Briens, 1:30 p.m.

The O’Briens are an Irish Catholic family living in Boston. Joe, the father, is a cop, and when he is diagnosed with Huntington’s, he must somehow tell his wife and four grown children and learn to live with the disease. Contact Marjorie for the Go To Meeting Link.

Jan. 25

Virtual Book Discussion: Back when we were grownups, 6 p.m.

Rebecca Davitch, the heroine (and heroine is exactly the right word) realizes that she has become the “wrong person.” No longer the “serene and dignified young woman” she was at 20, at 53 Rebecca finds she has become family caretaker and cheerleader, a woman with a “style of dress edging dangerously close to Bag Lady.” So she tries to do something about it. Contact Marjorie for the Go To Meeting Link.


Computers available for the public

The library will have two public internet computers available. Spaces need to be reserved by calling 508-699-0122 for a 30-minute slot. Fifteen minutes will be set aside between sessions so the keyboards can be switched out and the mouses cleaned. If time is needed for job applications, arrangements can be made. Earphones are not supplied at the library. None of the computers have video cameras or microphones. Printing is available and staff can also help print from a phone.

Mobile App for SAILS System

We’ve had very positive feedback and if you haven’t tried it yet, please take the few minutes to download it now. You’ll be able to:

  • Search the SAILS’ catalog: Search for items by title, author, subject, or general keyword and place holds on interesting items.
  • Manage your account: Keep track of your account – view your checked-out items, holds, fines, and account information. Bill pay should be coming in September.
  • Link accounts to manage your family’s checkouts and holds, all in the same place.
  • Have your user id/barcode automatically available to scan at checkout..
  • Search by barcode: Use your device’s camera to scan the barcode on a book, CD, DVD, or other item at a friend’s house or bookstore and search for available copies in the SAILS’ Network.

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