At its meeting on Monday, Dec. 9,, the Town Council approved new subcommittee members, had its first reading of a tobacco bylaw amendment, and received an update on the Town Manager search process.
Subcommittee appointments
The Town Council reviewed applicants for additional positions for the Rules, Finance, and Bylaw subcommittees. This includes John Donohue and Greg St. Lawrence for Rules, Dan Donovan and Amy Shanahan for Bylaw, and Ron Lagasse, Derek Folan, and Craig Cameron for Finance. These members will be up for reappointment in July.
“We had a lot of great applicants,” said Council President Keith Lapointe.
Bylaw amendment
The council had a reading for an amendment to establish the Retail Tobacco Inspection and Compliance Revolving Fund. This fund will have a limit of $4,500 and come from 50 percent of the tobacco permit fees. The fund will be used for retail tobacco inspections and compliance checks.
Town Manager
The Town Manager Screening Committee has begun meeting, including an all-day session to review the applicants for the position. Recommendations were made last week and will be vetted by the search firm. A presentation will be made at the council’s Dec. 23 meeting.