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HomeCommunityAround Town-Languages at the Richards Library and pet vaccinations

Around Town-Languages at the Richards Library and pet vaccinations

Richards Memorial Library now offering Mango Languages

Richards Memorial Library is now offering Mango Languages. Any library patron can sign up at Choose from over 70 languages including 20 ESL courses. Learn real-life conversations with native-speaker audio. Learn vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and culture simultaneously through interactive lessons and activities.

Oldtown Church Pet Vaccination Clinic

The First Congregational Church UCC of North Attleborough (Oldtown Church) will hold its next pet vaccination clinic, for dogs and cats, for one hour, from 11 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 675 Old Post Road, North Attleborough. Please call / text 508-212-4774 or email for information, fees and to make an appointment for vaccinations, heart-worm tests, or deworming.

Vaccinations and tests are individually priced, without additional clinic or other fees. RI residents and walk-ins are welcome. Preregistration via phone or text is preferred. Appropriate social distancing is encouraged. Pets will be received outside the building and returned afterward.

All cats must be in carriers and dogs must be on leashes, with muzzles as necessary. Services will be provided by Dr. Peter Granville DVM. The entrance for the vaccination clinic is in back of the church, to the rear of the parking lot, follow the signs. Please remain in the vehicle until called.

Angle Tree Garden Club to host Tower Hill horticulture manager

People have all learned to live our lives a little greener in recent decades. From reusable grocery bags to electric cars, many take pride in making choices to lead more sustainable lives. Gardening should be no different. Learn about the ways gardening impacts the environment and how you can be a more earth friendly gardener.

The Angle Tree Garden Club will host Mark Richardson, Horticulture Manager at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston. Prior to joining the staff at Tower Hill, Mark wrote “Native Plants for New England Gardens,” a guide to over 100 native perennials, trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses and vines with co-author Dan Jaffe. The presentation will be held at on Feb. 17, 10-11 a.m. at the Little Red School House, 362 North Washington St., North Attleborough.

Change of hours at Richards Memorial Library

The Richards Memorial Library will have a temporary change in hours through Feb. 19. At present, the library is planning on returning to regular hours on Feb. 21. The hours will be:

Mondays through Thursdays, 9:30 am – 7 p.m.

Fridays and Saturdays, 9:30 am – 5 p.m.

Don’t flush disposable wipes—they clog sewers

The North Attleborough Department of Public Works Wastewater Division is asking residents to refrain from flushing disinfectant wipes – including those labeled “flushable” – and instead, to dispose of them in the trash. Department staff are often called out after-hours to clear clogged pipes at pump stations to avert sewage overflows.

Whether a home or business is connected to the public sewer system or has an onsite wastewater treatment system, don’t flush any type of wipes, including baby wipes and those labeled flushable, down the toilet. Instead, place these products in the trash for proper disposal.

In addition to causing clogs and wastewater collection system overflows, flushing wipes can also lead to sewer back-ups in basements and damage properties. Although some of these products may be labeled as flushable, most wipes do not break down in sewer lines and pumping stations as toilet paper does. They can clog sewer systems and cause pump station failures.

2021-2022 Parking Ban Notice

Effective Dec. 1 through April 1, 2022, no parking on public ways or sidewalks in the Town of North Attleborough from 1-6 a.m.

Sign Up for CodeRED

North Attleborough is now a CodeRED Community. Sign up for the CodeRED notification system to receive alerts and updates during emergency events. Register online, via smartphone, or by texting “NAALERTS” to 99411 to enroll.

Flu shots available through the Board of Health

The North Attleborough Board of Health has free flu shots available for any Massachusetts resident. Shots can be given Thursdays, 3 – 5:45 p.m., by appointment only. Other days and times may be available call 508-699-014 or email for an appointment.

For adults and children 6 months and vaccinated, all vaccine is Thimerosol- free (No FluMist). Some Hi-Dose for those 65 years and older is available. Flu forms are available online at under Board of Health; Flu Clinic.

Please have insurance card(s) with you. There is no billing if no insurance or no coverage. No co-pays ever. Call Board of Health office to confirm time at 508-699-0104.

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