This will be held on Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m.-Noon at the Department of Public Works Garage Facility at 240 Smith St.
North Attleborough residents with a 2020 recycling center sticker affixed to car window will be admitted. No admittance without a current sticker affixed to the car window.
Residential waste only. Poisons and pesticides; herbicides and fertilizers; kerosene and other waste fuels; oil-based paints; oven, toilet bowl and drain cleaners; paint strippers, turpentine and solvents; swimming pool chemicals; photographic chemicals; antifreeze and motor oil; and auto batteries. No latex paint or paint that requires water for cleanup limit.
Individuals are limited to a total of five passenger automobile tires and 10 gallons of liquid or paint waste.
Latex paint; paint that cleans up with water, smoke detectors; explosives; ammunition; fireworks; radioactive waste; biohazardous waste; pathological waste; gas cylinders; and commercial or industrial wastes will not be accepted.
This program is provided by The Town of North Attleborough Board of Public Works as a convenience to the solid waste program participants. Please direct your questions to the Solid Waste Department at 508-699-0105