Total ballots cast—6,348
Early Voting—2,679
Election Day—3,669
Senator in Congress [vote for one]
Edward J. Markey—2,013
Joseph P. Kennedy III—2,851
Representative in Congress [vote for one]
Jake Auchincloss—956
David Franklin Cavell—70
Becky Grossman—933
Alan A. Khazei—389
Ihssane Leckey—721
Natalia Linos—649
Jesse R. Mermell—620
Benjamin R. Sigel—52
Christopher Z. Zannetos—162
Councillor [vote for one]
Robert L. Jubinbille—3,780
Senator in General Court [vote for one]
Rebecca L. Rausch—3,849
Representative in General Court [vote for one]
Patrick Steven Reynolds—2,196
Adam J. Scanlon—2,278
Register of Probate [vote for one]
Thomas C. Hoye, Jr.—3,765
County Commissioner [vote for two]
John R. Mitchell—3,349
Paul B. Kitchen—3,128
County Treasurer [vote for one]
Christopher T. Saunders—3,789
Senator in Congress [vote for one]
Shiva Ayyadurai—485
Kevin J. O’Connor—933
Representative in Congress [vote for one]
Julie A. Hall—1,133
David Rosa—281
Councillor [vote for one]
No candidates
Senator in General Court [vote for one]
Matthew T. Kelly—1,231
Representative in General Court [vote for one]
Michael Lennox—1,235
NOTE—Lennox would eventually withdraw from the campaign.
Register of Probate [vote for one]
No candidates
County Commissioner [vote for two]
Nancy C. Stanton-Cross—1,171
County Treasurer [vote for one]
No candidates