Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomePoliticsCandidate Profile: John Simmons for Town Council

Candidate Profile: John Simmons for Town Council

Why are you running for this position?  

The town has seen monumental progress under the new form of government. The town’s reserve accounts are at the highest level in recent history, we are on the verge of the highest possible credit rating saving tax payers on borrowing, we are compliant with DEP PFAS regulations and will meet upcoming EPA guidelines, we have written financial policies in place to ensure our pension and OPEB liabilities are met and we are making historic investments to the town’s infrastructure including elementary school roofs, boilers, hot water heaters and fields. It is vital that we keep moving forward.

If elected, what issues would you like to focus on?  

With the possibility of a new high school, and known infrastructure needs like a centrally-located fire headquarters, we must increase the commercial/industrial tax base to lessen the burden on residents. Smart growth through intelligent zoning will help attract businesses. The administration and planning board has already done so much work in this area. We need to ensure the council is doing everything we can to support it.

I would like to see the completion of the downtown revitalization, rehabilitation of the municipal parking lot, sidewalks, and signage to increase foot traffic downtown to support our small businesses, the lifeblood of our local economy.

What sets you apart from other candidates?    

I wear many hats in town. I am a husband and father raising my family here, I have my business here, I have coached youth sports, been a member of charitable organizations and volunteer groups, and have served on the RTM, as an election commissioner, and as a town councilor as vice president and chair of the Finance Subcommittee. I believe I am a proven leader. Wearing different hats gives me a broad perspective on the issues we face as a community. I understand the municipal needs but also the struggle of raising a family and running a business.

What are some areas that the town has improved upon and what, in your opinion, remains to be done? 

Since the change in government, the council has placed an emphasis on transparency and communication. We have significantly upgraded the town’s webpage, social media platforms, and town signage to get information directly to the people. The budget approval process provides for review of every line item in the budget and a three-year history of spending and revenues.

I still believe the town can improve upon communication between town boards to ensure that every department is on the same customer service-friendly page and helping our residents get to “Yes” when they visit Town Hall.

Being part of a board requires one to be a team player. Does your background lend you to working well in this environment? 

My past service in the Massachusetts Army National Guard, coaching youth sports, running a business with my law partner, and serving for the past six years on the Town Council enforced the importance of being a team player. To be an effective councilor, one must leave their ego at the door, forget pride of ownership, and buy into the team-first atmosphere that has proven to be successful during the first six years of the council. I am proud to say that the vast majority of councilors treats their role as part of the “we” and never the “I.”


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