Tuesday, March 25, 2025
HomePoliticsCandidate profile: Laura Wagner for Town Council

Candidate profile: Laura Wagner for Town Council

Why are you running for this position?  

I understand the challenges faced by our community and I want to be of service to my fellow residents. Municipal governance is complex and the diverse needs of all our residents deserve to be considered. I have experience serving as a councilor in another community and since many of the issues are similar, I believe I can contribute in a meaningful way.

If elected, what issues would you like to focus on?  

The most important issue, to me, is ensuring a strong economic future. This encompasses many issues, including housing needs, small business support and new growth in the commercial sector. It also includes meeting the needs of our students and teachers and making forward-thinking decisions that will positively impact our economy.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

I’m the only candidate who has experience serving as a councilor and I’ve attended every council meeting since January 2024. I’ve also watched or attended the Finance Subcommittee meetings and I’ve watched the planning committee meetings as well. It’s important to understand the issues on which the new councilors will be expected to make decisions. I also currently serve on the Charter Review Committee and have an understanding of our town charter.

What are some areas that the town has improved upon and what, in your opinion, remains to be done? 

Our current form of government is a significant achievement. It’s a more efficient process and allows for qualified people to hold key positions.

Our town manager has successfully led us to a AA+ bond rating (soon to be AAA). This is a huge achievement saving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars and potentially millions in the near future.

North Attleborough is strategically located and has one of the lowest commercial tax rates in the area. More large tax contributors will ease the tax burden on residents while still allowing us to meet the demands of a 21st century community.

Being part of a board requires one to be a team player. Does your background lend you to working well in this environment? 

I have a masters in social work from Boston University. I have both clinical training, which helps me to understand individuals and carefully listen to their needs, as well as macro experience, which helps me to understand systems. In my past, professionally, I have created change at both a community and statewide level, which requires significant collaboration to achieve. My skills come from hard-earned experience, which I know will benefit my community.


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