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HomeUncategorizedFree meal program will continue during school closure

Free meal program will continue during school closure

The North Attleboro Public Schools Nutrition Department will continue to provide free meals to all children under the age of 18 during the school district closure.

It is an integral part of the district’s mission to ensure that students continue to have access to balanced meals in order to maintain their health and the health of the community. This will look quite different from the way meals are served during the school year. Staff will operate a “drive-through” grab and go style meal service starting Tuesday, March 17 on weekdays at Community School for all district students.

Meals will be available from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Meals will be pre-assembled and prepackaged into bags or covered containers and set up on tables outside the front of the school to be taken off-site. Breakfast and lunch will be served together. Pickup will be at the S. Washington Street side of Community School. Signage will be posted to guide people to through the pickup location. Each student will be given a meal no questions asked. There is no registration, ID, address, or name needed. All meals are free and people may stop by anytime during the service hours.

Every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of staff, students, and their families. Kitchens and serving tables will be routinely sanitized, utensils will be prepackaged in plastic, gloves will be worn by staff and changed frequently, and staff will also frequently wash their hands throughout service. Those feeling ill are kindly asked to refrain from attending meal service. Please note that due to the nature of the meal service and product availability from vendors, staff will not always be able to accommodate allergies and parents/guardians assume responsibility for their children’s allergies.

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