Performers give look at upcoming musical

Mary Kate McDonald sings with the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center at the Emerald Square Mall on Jan. 5. The group performed selections from “13 The Musical.” The show will take place Jan. 17-19. Staff Photo/Max Bowen
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Antoine Auon [left] and Olivia Parcard sing with the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center at the Emerald Square Mall on Sunday, Jan. 5, at a preview show for “13 The Musical.” The show will take place Jan. 17-19. Staff Photo/Max Bowen
El Larabee [left] and Melanie Kaplan sing at the Emerald Square Mall with the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center, performing scenes from “13 The Musical.” Staff Photo/Max Bowen

El Larabee performs with the Marilyn Rodman Performing Arts Center at the Emerald Square Mall on Jan. 5. Staff Photo/Max Bowen
Big Blue Removal, Don't pay 1-800 Prices!