Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of Chapter 40A of the
Massachusetts General Laws, and Section VI.R of the North
Attleboro Zoning By-laws, the North Attleborough Planning
Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 20,
2020, at 6:30 P.M., in the Planning Board Office located at 43
South Washington Street, North Attleborough, MA, pertaining
to the following matter:
Application of Raymond J. & Judith A. Aubin of 537 Allen
Avenue and Ryan L. Benharris & Lyndsey Aubin Benharris of
549 Allen Avenue, North Attleboro, MA 02760 for approval of
their Environmentally Friendly Open Space Subdivision proposal on the properties identified as 537 & 549 Allen Avenue
and further described as Lots 387 and 410 on the Assessors
Plat Number 26, proposing to contain 4 demise parcels as
described in their application and shown on the submitted
plans dated January 6, 2020 drawn by Tilton & Associates with
offices located at 81 John Dietsch Blvd. at a scale of 1’ = 40’.
Plans and accompanying documents may be viewed in the
Planning Board Office during regular business hours.
Marie Clarner, Chair
North Attleborough Planning Board
January 30, 2020 & February 6, 2020
LEGAL AD-Planning Board Public Hearing